
Are you still getting the hang of Twitter?

Not seeing the amount of audience interaction and engagement you hoped to see? Well, look no further. Here are a few dos and don’ts that will help you succeed at Twitter marketing.

1. DO include media (photos/videos), a call to action, or a retweet request.

Including these elements in your tweets will not only get you what you’ve asked for (RTs) but the inclusion of media will increase engagement and interactions. For example, when posting for one of our clients (who owns a sports bar), we’d say something like this: “Retweet! Check out our #NCAA Game Night Specials: $2 shots all night.”

2. DO retweet and favorite others.

When you retweet others and favorite tweets that relate to you or your industry, you’re more likely to gain more followers.

3. DO geo-target and save searches for keywords surrounding your brand.

You want to be in tune to the Twitter conversation. Some Tweeters may not directly mention (@) you, but you can still listen to what they are saying with Twitter’s search features. Plus, there are various social media management tools that allow you to save searches.

4. DO follow people.

Follow people who are interested in your brand and in your industry. They will tweet and RT content that may help you communicate more effectively with them.

5. DO use relevant hashtags.

Hashtags (#) allow you to join a global conversation, and if you’re contributing something worth retweeting, your followers and even users who don’t follow you will RT you. Use hashtags sparingly within your tweet rather than at the end. For example: “Follow @BoogieGraphics for #socialmedia #marketingtips!”

And this brings me to my don’ts.

6. DON’T use hashtags on overkill.

It gets pretty annoying and redundant to overuse hashtags, so use hashtags to optimize your tweets; not for every word, letter, or phrase. Some tweets don’t require any hashtags.

7. DON’T protect your tweets

This may be an obvious one, but protected tweets are not able to be retweeted or seen by the masses, so unprotect those tweets!

8. DON’T link your Facebook account to your Twitter account.

No one wants to see a shortened tweet with a fb.me extension. People want to interact with people, not bots. Twitter is also a less formal space where your personality can be different from Facebook. Tailor your tweets to your specific Twitter audience. Even if you’d like to post something similar on Facebook, optimize your posts for each social media site.

9. DON’T compose tweets in all CAPS. IT’S OBNOXIOUS.

10. DON’T miss out on Twitter advertising and business tools.

DO sign up for Twitter Ads. Twitter recently unleashed an update to #TwitterforBusiness, which is helping to put small businesses out there in the Twittersphere with promoted accounts, promoted tweets, and analytics for both. This is proving to be an incredible tool.

Connect with Boogie Graphics on Twitter.

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Photo: Boogie Graphics

Jacques is the founder and Creative/Executive Director of Boogie Graphics, a digital + social media agency. He is the true definition of a ‘Jacques’ of all Trades because of his versatility in work capacity and experience. Jacques is a designer, web developer, photographer, marketer, social media expert … ok, we’ll stop there! Follow him on Twitter & Instagram @JacquesHBastien and read more of his blogs here.



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