
Google PageRank: 4 Simple Steps to Improve SEO Rankings

It’s time to compete for coveted Google real estate space and create a cohesive SEO strategy by incorporating these four factors.

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The Web is getting more competitive every day. And just a few minor mistakes could mean forfeiting your brand’s ability to rank highly in a Google search. An attractive company website no longer translates to page views; you must also perfect your search engine optimization (SEO) activities.

It’s time to compete for coveted Google real estate space. Don’t worry: I’ll make it easy for you. You can create a cohesive SEO strategy by incorporating these four factors:

1. Website Code

This is the first simple step toward refining your SEO tactics. I always recommend people start here because the fixes are usually easy to implement. Many companies and tools, such as SEOzio, provide a free analysis and can help you understand coding problems with your website. If you can’t afford to hire a company that specializes in SEO, then I suggest using a search engine-friendly content management system (CMS), like WordPress, when building your website.

2. Link Analysis

Work on link building, to gain links to your site from reputable sources (i.e. don’t just place links everywhere and anywhere). Years ago, Google was very lenient on what it considered a “quality source.” That’s not the case anymore. Search engines have stopped giving credit to websites with links from free web directories. Instead, Google rewards sites with links from educational and authoritative sites.

In addition to including credible and relevant links to other sites, your brand should produce interesting and original content. You want your material to be shared via websites and social media platforms. This won’t happen if your content makes readers fall asleep on their keyboards! This can include educational videos, ebooks, surveys, infographics, and company blog posts — whatever will catch and hold today’s distracted, multitasking reader’s attention. Also, remain active in your industry by participating in relevant blogs and forums, while linking back to your site when applicable.

3. Social media activity

This is the latest element in Google’s algorithm; it basically looks at how active your brand is on social platforms. The chances of a company taking off are slim without mentions on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Google wants to know you are socially connected. Here are some questions to consider: Does your company website have social media profiles set up on a variety of platforms? Do you maintain a company blog that’s regularly updated? Are your posts mentioned in Google’s news feed? If you are only banking on Facebook or have a company blog that has more cobwebs than content, then good luck.

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